
セレクションアンドバリエーション株式会社 代表取締役 兼 グロービス経営大学院HRM担当准教授の平康慶浩(ひらやすよしひろ)のブログです。これからの人事の仕組みについて提言したり、人事の仕組みを作る立場から見た、仕組みの乗りこなし方を書いています。

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そういやなんで東京に大学が集中したんだっけ? と思い検索しようとしますが、HBRに何か良い論文が載ってた気がするなぁ、と思い立ち上がって、書架の前で手に取ります。














”We want to achieve a management system where 20-year-olds and 70-year-olds can achieve the same kind of results.”


There wasn't much of a sense of days of the week to begin with, but with all the employees at home, I'm the only one in the office, and every day feels like a Wednesday. It's not a vibrant Monday, and it's not a Friday with a weekend to look forward to, but a Wednesday. It's almost a normal day.


In the series of events following the corona-shock, there are many things that can be viewed positively. I don't need to tell you how hard it is, so I won't say it again.


The most positive thing I can think of is that I no longer have time to travel.

For example, a year ago, in the week that included April 18, 2019, I spent roughly 20 hours on the road.

If we assume that 8 hours x 6 days = 48 hours, then about 42% of my travel time was spent traveling.

I can still work on the bullet train, but it's also difficult because of the long-distance buses. So I remember that I usually slept in a daze.


But this week's travel time is 5 hours.

What's more, the contents are different.

25 minutes x 2 times x 6 days = 300 minutes = 5 hours

However, 25 minutes is the time to walk from home to the office. I'm not very athletic, so I decided to walk that much.

There are no people walking around these days and it is rather safe to pass each other.

Thanks to that, I have about 8,000 steps every day.


Speaking of how I'm using the surplus of 15 hours/week, I'm actually using it for "zapping contemplation". I'm still doing that, but I feel it's better to keep a record of it, so I'm writing this.


Zapping contemplation is a term I selfishly coined, starting with a job that is a little ahead of its deadline.

Today, for example, I'm writing a 15-page feature for a magazine that needs to be completed by the end of April.

So, I'm writing the manuscript in word while putting out the powerpoint materials that I got our excellent intern to put together remotely, too.

As I was doing so, a keyword came to my mind. This time, for example, it's "regional headquarters". I wondered why the head office was concentrated in Tokyo, and when I did a quick search, I found some papers.

I found something like "The relationship between the relocation of headquarters functions of local companies to the metropolitan area and growth" (Tadao Yoshino, Akira Okamoto), and when I read it through the page down function, I came to the conclusion that in the change from blue-collar to white-collar dominance, people with high educational backgrounds are moving to big cities where they are concentrated.

Why did they concentrate so many universities in Tokyo? I thought, "I'm going to search for it," but I felt like I found some good papers in HBR, so I got up and picked it up in front of the bookshelf.

Then I saw moonshot and agile HR and thought I hadn't read them either, so I put the question aside and read this.

Then I thought that if I were to aim for a society where people in the position of being called young or old (I was called that 30 years ago, and will be called that in 10 years) can work happily and generate value and get paid for it, that's how I came up with the title of today's sentence.


I'd like to achieve management where 20-year-olds and 70-year-olds can achieve the same kind of results.


There is a motivation to continue learning rather than to gain experience, and there is a change in the state of the family, which requires us to reflect on history and to think about how to deal with the inadequacy of the individual.



Yoshihiro Hirayasu.